Main Headquarters:
3810 Clemmons Rd
Clemmons, North Carolina, 27012
Phone Number:
(336) 331-3427
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At Crawford Home Improvements, our goal is to complete any job, big or small, to your satisfaction. Anything from installing one piece of trim to building a large addition is handled with the same exacting attention to detail. Our staff’s more than 50 years of combined construction experience helps ensure the job is done right.
Monday : | 9:00 AM - | 4:00 PM | |
Tuesday : | 9:00 AM - | 4:00 PM | |
Wednesday : | 9:00 AM - | 4:00 PM | |
Thursday : | 9:00 AM - | 4:00 PM | |
Friday : | 9:00 AM - | 4:00 PM | |
Saturday : | closed | ||
Sunday : | closed |
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General Contractors, in , are professionals who oversee the construction work and manage the day-to-day affairs on the construction site, which include labor problems, provision of construction materials and services on a project, surveying, disposing and recycling construction waste, monitoring schedules, maintaining records of progress, etc.