Main Headquarters:
622 Old Roberts Rd, Suite B
Benson, North Carolina, 27504
Phone Number:
(919) 449-4768
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When you have a classic car or collection of cars to sell, we’re here to make things easy for you. At CCC Brokers in Benson, North Carolina, we buy classic cars in any condition, and you can bet that we’re willing to offer you excellent prices above the market average. We would be happy to provide you with the information you need in the form of a car quote or appraisal, and we even offer an A-Z auction service if you would prefer to go that route. For more information about what we can do for you, contact us today.
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Auto dealers in are local distribution businesses that sell both new and pre-owned cars, at retail rates. This is done by entering an agreement with the automaker, or its sales subsidiary. These places also offer financing services, as well as technicians for vehicle maintenance. Auto sales (new) are only via dealers in this country, there is no direct manyfacturer sales. Other services offered include insurance of various kinds, accessories, maintenance services, and trade-in options.