Feeney Brothers Enterprise Company in Alexandria, Kentucky

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Feeney Brothers Enterprise Company

Main Headquarters:
941 Hillview Drive
Alexandria, KY 41001

Phone Number:
(866) 507-9407

Feeney Brothers Enterprise Company provides services in the field of Major Appliances Service & Repair. The business is located in Alexandria, Kentucky, United States. Their telephone number is (866) 507-9407.

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Listing ID: KY-355842

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Helpful Tip for: Major Appliances Service & Repair

Major appliance servicing and repair facilities are available in Alexandria. Major appliances refers to electronic appliances such as washing machines, airconditioning units, televisions and refrigerators, thus essentially dealing with the bigger of the consumer electronics. They are used on a more or less continuous basis, due to which they suffer wear and tear. They also can break down and malfunction from time to time. Since replacing the machine is obviously not always possible (these are major appliances and are quite expensive), one can get them repaired, with the faulty parts replaced. Repairing can be done by company endorsed service agencies, and must be done using approved parts. Experienced technicians help do a proper job. Servicing of the equipment from time to time helps maintain its optimum functionality.