Regardless of your businesses situation, Business Union Capital utilizes its nationwide network of lenders to match you with a loan that addresses your needs and suits your businesses sales volume.
Serving the following city: Armstrong --- Phone: (561) 422-4935
Armstrong has loans and financial services available. These are a broad range of services available for you to better manage your money. This includes a number of companies offering different services, such as credit unions, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, consumer finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds and government backed investments. One of the primary providers of financial services is the bank, which enables people to both save money and get money during times of need, at varying levels of interest. Financial services provided by them include personal loans, commercial loans, and mortgage loans facilities, credit and debit cards, overdraft, electronic funds transfer, notary services and check services. Loans are credit issued by both banks and non-banking finacial institutions, whereby the applicant is given a certain sum of money (either the money itself, or as credit) for buying goods or services with the understanding that it would be paid back with a certain amount of interest, over a period of time. Services not provided by a bank, but which may be available in Armstrong include asset management and hedge fund management, insurance brokerage and underwriting, venture capital and angel investment, among others.