Gold Silver & Platinum Dealers Near Beatty Oregon

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  • Business Listing

    Gold Flag Coin & Antiques

    We buy gold, silver, diamonds, and coins. We also buy class rings, broken jewelry, antiques, and some collectibles. By appointment only, please call 815-441-9430. Saturdays and Sundays we have more...

    Serving the following city: Beatty --- Phone: (815) 441-9430

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Category: Gold Silver & Platinum Dealers

Beatty has dealers in gold, silver and platinum. Gold, silver and platinum, apart from being the preferred metals which are used for making jewelry, are also highly prized for their enduring investment value. In the current economic scenario, the importance of precious metals as safe investments has only increased. They can be bought or sold as coins, bars and bullions. One must go through the appropriate channels for dealing in precious metals, since purity, safety and security of the deals is of paramount importance. The prices of the metals can vary from day to day, depending on their current market value. You can track market values over a period of time to ascertain when you can buy the metals as cheaply as possible. The dealers have to be licensed by the appropriate authorities. They can also offer shipping services.