Coin Dealers Near Center City Minnesota

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Coin Dealers services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.

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  • Business Listing

    Gold Flag Coin & Antiques

    We buy gold, silver, diamonds, and coins. We also buy class rings, broken jewelry, antiques, and some collectibles. By appointment only, please call 815-441-9430. Saturdays and Sundays we have more...

    Serving the following city: Center City --- Phone: (815) 441-9430

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Category: Coin Dealers

Coin dealers, or professional numismatists, are involved in the commercial buying, selling, evaluation and grading of coins. Numismatics, the collection and study of currency, specifically coins, and related objects as works of art and sources of information, is derived from the Latin "numismatis," meaning coin. Expert coin dealers/numismatists serve to advance the study of money, and are sometimes consulted by archaeologists, historians and museum curators for their expertise on currency. At this time, coin dealers are largely unregulated by government, but many belong to professional and/or trade organizations such as the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) and the Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA). Recently, though, state and federal officials have been calling upon Congress to consider regulatory oversight in the coin industry. Because coin dealers give investment advice to consumers regarding what to do with their money, many feel that they should be held to the same standards as other financial industries that advise consumers on investments