Concrete Floor Coating Near Ellsworth Illinois

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Concrete Floor Coating services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.

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  • The Concrete Magic

    Decorative Concrete Coatings

    Ellsworth (IL) - - Phone: (309) 533-0884
    Business Listing



Category: Concrete Floor Coating

Ellsworth has concrete floor coating services available. The main idea behind coating is protection to the slab from deterioration or contamination. Other specific purposes may also be fulfilled by coating, such as wear, non-skid, chemical resistance, ease of maintenance, physical performance. Floors are easily the surface in a building that is subjected to the maximum amount of wear and tear, as well as abuse. Thus, protecting them against this helps increase their longevity, cutting down on long term floor replacement costs. They also help keep it mold and mildew free. The kind of coating needed would vary with the intended use of the structure (and by extension, the floor). Many options are available in Ellsworth. One must factor in many considerations before choosing the kind of floor coating to be applied. These are usually epoxy based coats. Usually, more than one coat is needed. The finish can be plain or textured.