Category: Fast Food Restaurants
Fast food restaurants,in Eton, are a certain type of restaurants that serve a limited menu fast food cuisine in minimal table service. The food is generally cooked in advance in bulk proportions, kept hot & is available soon after placing the order to consume or to take away. Usually a restaurant chain or franchise operation provisions standard ingredients or partially prepared food through supply chains to each of the fast food restaurants under it. To ensure a consistent level of product quality and to deliver the order quickly, avoiding labor & equipment costs, pre-cooked products are monitored for freshness using specialized operations. Food items in the fast food restaurants are prepared with ingredients formulated to obtain an identifiable aroma, flavor, texture, freshness, reduced handling costs & fast order fulfillment, because of the commercial emphasis on taste, safety, low cost, speed & uniformity. Hence, a significant degree of food engineering- including the use of additives, preservatives & processing techniques, which though limit the nutritional value of the food, are often employed in these restaurants in Eton.