Franklin Township has child care services available. These services comprise supervising and caring for children from the ages 0-13. This term includes under itself a wide spectrum of contexts, activities, social and cultural conventions, and institutions. The two main kinds of child care that are usually offered are home-based (nannies) and center based (creches, daycare, and preschools). Both are available in Franklin Township. This is needed for households where both parents are emplpyed and someone needs to supervise the child in the mornings. Nannies offer home-based care. This reduces safety concerns, and also helps form a close relationship between the child and the caregiver. This, is, however, quite expensive. Family based childcare is when the service is provided from a care giver's personal home. This is affordable and advantageous, but care must be taken to ensure the providers have a clean past record. Commercial centers such as creches and preschools have a defined opening and closing hour, as well as a standardized and regulated system of care for children. Parents choose the child care option that is cost-effective, safe and is most beneficial for the child during the growing years.