Gutters & Downspouts Near Hardaway Alabama

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    Gametime Property Services

    We do any home repairs, maintenance and residential construction. Our specialties lie in anything from landscaping to roofing to painting to construction. We've been doing this for 20+ years and take...

    Serving the following city: Hardaway --- Phone: (334) 568-8091

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Category: Gutters & Downspouts

Gutters, in Hardaway, are the narrow channels, or troughs, forming the component of a roof system aiding in collection and diversion of rainwater shed by the roof. The main purpose of the rain gutters is to protect a building's foundation by channeling water away from its base, reducing erosion, preventing leaks in basements and crawlspaces, protecting painted surfaces by reducing exposure to water, and providing a means to collect rainwater for later use.

Gutters in Hardaway are generally made of a variety of materials, including cast iron, lead, zinc, galvanised steel, painted steel, copper, painted aluminium, PVC & other plastics, concrete, stone, and wood.

Downspouts in Hardaway are, on the other hand, vertical pipes designed to carry the rainwater from a gutter to ground level in a sewer or rainwater harvesting tanks or into the ground through seepage.