Parks, in Hiwassee, are open grounds or garden areas for recreational use, and are usually maintained by a civic body. Typically, a park is a protected area, in its natural or semi-natural planted state, and is meant for human recreation and enjoyment. It has facilities like: jogging or walking strip; active playground for the youth to play soccer, football, etc; see-saw, slide, swing, merry-go-round, etc, for the very young.
Parks, in Hiwassee, are both active and passive spots of recreation. Active recreation is that which involves some action on part of the individual and may be a solo or team activity on playgrounds, ball fields and skate parks. Running, throwing, kicking, jogging, walking, swinging, sliding, etc, are all active recreations. Passive recreation is a low level of involvment with activities and may include nature-watching, enjoying an outdoor picnic on the trails, etc.