Insurance - Agents & Brokers Near Houston Arkansas

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Category: Insurance - Agents & Brokers

Insurance agents in Houston are the professionals who function as an intermediary between the insurance company and the insured. According to law, the liability of an agent is administrative to his customers. The timely and accurate processing of forms, premiums, and paperwork- all belong to the responsibilities of an Insurance Agent. However, it is not his duty to conduct a thorough examination of a business or ascertain if one has appropriate coverage. It is, hence the client's obligation to make sure that the needed coverage has been purchased. There may be two categories of insurance agents- Captive & Independent.

Insurance brokers in Houston are  independent agents who can offer a whole lot of insurance products for the clients. Brokers generally have a higher education, more experience & therefore, more responsibility towards their clients. They analyze a business and secure correct and adequate coverage for the same against a significant amount of fee.