Steven Griffin Insurance Agency in Houston, Texas

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Serving The Entire State of : Texas

Steven Griffin Insurance Agency

Main Headquarters:
207 Pecore Street
Houston, TX 77009

Phone Number:
(713) 466-5223


FAX: No fax available

Steven Griffin Insurance Agency provides services in the field of Insurance. The business is located in Houston, Texas, United States. Their telephone number is (713) 466-5223.

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Additional Categories: Auto Insurance, Business Insurance, Insurance, Insurance - Agents & Brokers, Insurance - Automotive, Insurance - Consultants & Advisors, Insurance - Home, Insurance - Life, Insurance - Property & Casualty, Property & Casualty Insurance

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Listing ID: TX-2226555

From the owner at: Steven Griffin Insurance Agency

We are an insurance agency in Texas. We write personal lines insurance: Auto Insurance; Home Insurance, Renters Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance. We do our best to discover your insurance needs and provide you with the best rate for the coverages you need.

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Helpful Tip for: Insurance

Insurance is available in Houston. Insurance is defined as risk management by providing a contingency fund against unexpected losses. The individual (or group, or company) transfers to risk to the insurance company in lieu of payment. The entity buying the insurance from the insurer is known as the policyholder. The charge for risk transfer is known as the premium. The policyholder is imdemnified or compensated in case of loss. Risk appraisal, control and management is a separate, independent field of study. Insurance can be taken against a number of risks, such as life, health, property such as the house or the car, unemployment and others. The premium is fixed, based on the associated risk factors.