Auto Dealers Near Howard Georgia

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    Auto Dealer Database & Search Site. Find Used Cars and Trucks for Sale by Franchise and Independent Dealers. Provides: Syndication of Dealer Inventory, Geographically Targeted Social Media Campaigns,...

    Serving the following city: Howard --- Phone: (561) 459-3600

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Category: Auto Dealers

Howard has auto dealers, who sell both new and pre-owned cars, at retail rates. Since direct manufacturer sales are forbidden in the country, these dealers have an agreement with the automaker or its sales subsidiary. Other services offered by auto dealers in Howard include, but are limited to, GAP insurance to insure against theft or accidents, diability insurance, financing services (loans for the vehicle), accessories, maintenance packages, and trade-in options. These dealers have a showroom with cars displayed, with a sticker listing their basic features and the retail price. The salespersons work on commission and help the customer in finalizing a decision about which car/vehicle to buy. After this, a purchase and sales agreement is made, and signed, and the payment made, both for the car as well as other packages that the customer may have sought. Auto dealers in Howard also offer warranty services. Often, these allied activities yield more significant profits than the actual sale of vehicles.