Farm equipment, in Maywood, are the machineries used in a farm to aid farming. They are classified into several categories according to their uses.
General Tractor & Crawler/ Caterpillar Tractor are used for traction & power.
Rotavator, Cultivator, Cultipacker, Chisel plow, Harrow, Spike harrow, Drag harrow, Disk harrow, Plough, Power tiller / Rotary tiller / Rototiller, Spading machine, Subsoiler, Two-wheel tractor, Stone picker or rock-picker, Rock windrower (rock rake) are used in soil cultivation.
Broadcast seeder/ broadcast spreader/ fertilizer spreader, Planter (farm implement), Plastic mulch layer, Potato planter, Seed drill, Air seeder, Precision drill, Transplanter,Rice transplanter are the planting equipment.
Fertilizer spreader, Terragator, Manure spreader, Sprayer are essential for fertilization & pest control.
Center pivot irrigation is needed for irrigational purposes.
Weight Sorter, Bulleted list item, Color Sorter, Blemish Sorter, Diameter Sorter, Shape Sorter, Density Sorter, Internal/Taste Sorter are used for sorting the produce.
Beet harvester, Beet cleaner loader, Bean harvester, Cane Harvester, Carrot Puller, Chaser bin, Combine harvester, Conveyor belt, Corn harvester, Cotton picker, Fanning mill, Farm truck, Forage harvester/ silage harvester, Gleaner, Grain cleaner, Gravity wagon, Haulout Transporter, Over-the-row mechanical harvester for harvesting apples, Potato digger, Potato harvester, Rice huller, Sickle, Sugarcane harvester, Swather, Winnower are the Harvesting/Post-harvesting equipment.