Medical Equipment & Supplies Near Mount Clare West Virginia

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Category: Medical Equipment & Supplies

Medical equipment in Mount Clare is designed to aid in the diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of medical conditions. Innovations in medical technology have produced numerous appliances and instruments that have been essential in diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases and rehabilitation of patients. Modern medicine requires and utilizes numerous such instruments for medical purposes, which can be as simple as a scalpel or sutures, to as complex as a respirator or a dialyser. These devices in Mount Clare are usually designed with rigorous safety standards. There are several basic types: 'Diagnostic' equipment, used to aid in diagnosis, would include ultrasound and MRI machines,PET, CT scanners and x-ray machines;'Therapeutic' equipment like lasers and surgical machines;'Life Support' equipment like ventilators, heart-lung machines, and dialysis machines; medical monitors and medical laboratory equipment. Some well-known equipment supplying companies are Johnson & Johnson, Cameron Health, Philips, Getting Group, etc. The equipment mentioned above are mostly supplied in hospitals in Mount Clare. Certain medical equipment are specially designed to be used by patients at home.