Antique Dealers Near National City Illinois

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Antique Dealers services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.


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    Gold Flag Coin & Antiques

    We buy gold, silver, diamonds, and coins. We also buy class rings, broken jewelry, antiques, and some collectibles. By appointment only, please call 815-441-9430. Saturdays and Sundays we have more...

    Serving the following city: National City --- Phone: (815) 441-9430

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Category: Antique Dealers

National City has one or more antique dealers. An antique is an old item, that has vintage value. Antiques, as a rule of thumb, are objects that are over a 100 years old, barring antique automobiles which came some time later. This could include items such as furniture, art, jewelry, and other curios. They are in high demand and often expensive because of their relative rarity, beauty, history behind the product, as well as personal connections. The degree of craftsmanship and skill exhibited in antiques is also unique to the era when handmade things were the norm. Dealers in National City are in the business of buying and selling antiques. They can also help identify and restore such items sometimes. Antiques can be bought by dealers at estate sales, or auctions. They are also sold directly by dealers, or again, by holding auctions.