Event Planning Near New York New York

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Event Planning services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.

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  • Cristina Verger

    New York (NY) - - Phone: (917) 880-7445
    Business Listing
  • LC Events

    LC Events is a full-service event and party planning company. Whether you’re celebrating a wedding or a milestone birthday, we will be there to execute the event to make sure everything runs...

    New York (NY) - - Phone: (917) 494-7843
    Business Listing

    At Premier Staff we specialize in event staffing and understand that a great event requires a great team.

    New York (NY) - - Phone: (212) 943-3333
    Business Listing
  • Stark Production Group Inc

    Event Production - A-Z

    New York (NY) - - Phone: (212) 586-2744
    Business Listing




  • EZ Designs

    Harrison (NY) - - Phone: (914) 835-3156
Category: Event Planning

New York has event planners available for hire. These are professionals who help organize and conduct an event, such as a festival, ceremony, competition, party, concert, or convention. This is a job that require much careful planning and foresight, with multiple responsibilities. Some of these include budgeting, selecting dates and alternate dates, selecting and reserving the event location, acquiring permits, and coordinating transportation and parking. Decoration at the event site, entertainment options and arrangment for emergency services can also be additional responsibilities. Hiring an event planner is a stress-free alternative to trying to do it all by yourself. It leaves you free to attend and enjoy the event as much as possible, with the organizational scutwork being managed by someone else. The services and charges for the same would vary in New York with the event, the scale, the number of guests and duration of the event, among other factors. The coordinator can have several departments functioning under him with distinct responsibilities, such as catering, music, seating, arrangements for a presentation, gifts and freebie distribution and so on. An experienced event planner would run the event efficiently within the given budget. An event planner would be working with you right from the conception of the event, to its conclusion.