Department Stores Near Oak Park Heights Minnesota

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Department Stores services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.



  • Kohl's

    Oak Park Heights (MN) - - Phone: (651) 439-2256
Category: Department Stores

A department store in Oak Park Heights is a retail establishment which satisfies a wide range of the consumer's personal and residential durable goods product needs; and at the same time offering the consumer a choice of multiple merchandise lines, at variable price points, in all product categories. Department stores usually sell products including apparel, furniture, home appliances, electronics, and additionally select other lines of products such as paint, hardware, toiletries, cosmetics, photographic equipment, jewelry, toys and sporting goods. Some of them are further classified as discount stores. Department stores in Oak Park Heights are usually part of a retail chain of many stores.