Shoe Repairing Near Pecanway Terrace South Carolina

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Shoe Repairing services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.


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    Myrtle Beach Shoe Service

    Myrtle beach Shoe Service has been in business for over 30 years. Family owned and operated. We do all kinds of Shoe repair. Shoe elevations, heel cut downs. We do all kind leather work, luggage...

    Serving the following city: Pecanway Terrace --- Phone: (843) 448-3610

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Category: Shoe Repairing

Shoe Repairing, or shoe making, is a traditional handicraft profession. People who repair shoes are also known as cobblers. As the name suggests, shoe repairing deals mainly with repairing of shoes, however, in Pecanway Terrace cobblers also produce a range of footwear like shoes, boots, sandals, etc. A shoe maker or repairer is also known as a cordwainer in Pecanway Terrace. A cordwainer is somebody who makes shoes and other articles from fine soft leather. Historically, there was a distinction between a cordwainer, who made luxury shoes and boots out of the finest leathers, and a cobbler, who repaired them. This distinction gradually weakened, particularly during the twentieth century, when there was a predominance of shoe retailers who neither made nor repaired shoes.