Find a Business Near: Phenix City, AL

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2020 Census Data for Phenix City, AL

Population (Phenix City): 38,216

Total Males: 18,630
Total Females: 19,586
Total Households: 17,988
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Brief Information About Phenix City
Phenix City lies in the Lee and Russell counties in the eastern part of Alabama. It is the Also known as the Hub city, it is one of the most developed cities in the state with a population of over 32800 as recorded at the 2010 census. The city covers a total area of 24.8 square miles out of which less than 1% is water. The city is located next to Columbus in Georgia, and is a part of the Columbus, Georgia-Alabama Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as Auburn, Alabama Metropolitan Area In Alabama. BusinessWeek, a notable business weekly magazine rated Phenix city as the nation's most affordable suburb to nurture a family.
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