Roof Cleaning & Maintenance Near Pickering Missouri

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Category: Roof Cleaning & Maintenance

Roof Cleaning, in Pickering, is a process used to remove all surface pollutants from the roof of the houses or rather roof stains. If this is not done on a timely basis it will lead to accelerated deterioration of the roof. The tar used for roofing is fossilized, dead organic matter and an important food source for fungi. And the ceramic granules represent the outer hard shell that protects against hail and other falling debris. Ceramic granules protect against damaging UV radiation and insulate the roof against extreme heat. So their dislodgement by the growing fungal colonies can be damaging for the roofs’ longevity.  The roof cleaning business has become more common now that the shingle manufacturers have changed from asphalt to fiber-glass shingles.  The limestone in the fiber glass shingles which is added for weight attracts the bacteria and begins to spread. The correct method of Roof Cleaning is to use a Low-Pressure System. These specialized systems are used by professional roof cleaning companies to safely and effectively clean and treat many types of roofs. The use of a pressure washing machine is strictly prohibited by all shingle manufacturers as the shingles will be destroyed. For obvious reasons like safety and the proper equipment, it is recommended that roof cleaning be done by a certified and insured roof cleaning contractor in Pickering.