Relocation Service Near Scotlandville Louisiana

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Relocation Service services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.



  • U-haul Co.

    Scotlandville (LA) - - Phone: (225) 358-0616
Category: Relocation Service

Relocation Service is provided to people who need to relocate from one place to another. The relocation service providers in Scotlandville render their services either for relocation of corporate offices or for residential places. The rates of different relocation service providers are different in Scotlandville. Depending upon the type of relocation services needed for a particular occasion, the rates are determined.

The means of transportation used for carrying out the relocation service depends on the requirement. In Scotlandville, relocation services are provided either through ground transportation or air freight. Many providers may take a certain amount of the payment in advance, and take the full amount after the relocation is done; however, there are others who take the full amount before providing their service.