Web Sites Near Shauck Ohio

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    Internet Marketing Services Inc.

    Internet marketing service specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEM). We specialize in search positioning through Social Media Marketing and Local Listing...

    Serving the following city: Shauck --- Phone: (561) 370-7366

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Category: Web Sites

A website is much like a book, except that it is available online. It could be of various types. The websites are created with HTML (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), the internet language. A website, much like a book on a subject, has detailed description about the subject, pictorial representation, places where the subject is available or found, possible owners etc. The common structure is, it almost always has a home page, which is the introcustory page or the landing page, followed by other pages (much like a book) with detailed information. You will find several capable website developers in Shauck.