Funeral Homes Near Sidney Kentucky

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Below is a list of businesses which provide Funeral Homes services. If you do not see your business in the list, you can submit it for addition to this list. Adding your business will feature your listing above nearby Standard listings.

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Category: Funeral Homes

Sidney has funeral homes and directors available. Deaths are never easy things to deal with, and it is important to have a ceremony befitting the person's life and legacy. A funeral home is the place where the burial or funeral service takes place. A number of different types of services are available, such as cremations, burials, viewings, church funerals, graveside services, personalized memorials. The arrangements for the service are made by a funeral director, also called a mortician or undertaker. His duties include embalming (if desired), burial or cremation of the deceased. Funeral homes usually comprise viewing rooms, a preparation room for embalming, a chapel and a place from where caskets can be selected. The home in Sidney can also have a hearse for transporting the mortal remains of the deceased, along with a flower car or a limousine. Funeral directors are state licensed, and funeral homes are usually run as family businesses with a few local employees.