Roofing Contractors Near Stanton Alabama

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    Gametime Property Services

    We do any home repairs, maintenance and residential construction. Our specialties lie in anything from landscaping to roofing to painting to construction. We've been doing this for 20+ years and take...

    Serving the following city: Stanton --- Phone: (334) 568-8091

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Category: Roofing Contractors

Roofing Contractors, in Stanton, are people who engineer the construction of roofs after taking into consideration the area, climate and other factors. A roof is the uppermost part or covering of a building that protects the building from the effects of weather like rain, sunlight, heat, cold, snow and wind. The characteristics or type of roofing depends upon the purpose of the building that it covers, and also the local traditions of construction and wider concepts of architectural design.

The roof material may vary from banana leaves, wheaten straw to laminated glass, aluminum sheets or precast concrete. The construction of a roof is determined by the type of building, its method of support and whether or not the roof is pitched. Pitch is the angle at which the roof rises from its lowest to highest point. In most parts of the world, the roofs are sloped or pitched to make it waterproof and durable. The durability of a roof is a matter of concern, as it is that part of the building which is most exposed to harsh weather conditions. The shape of roofs differs greatly from one region to another, and the factors which influence the shape are the climate and the materials available for roof construction in Stanton.