Find a Business Near: Town Creek, AL

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2020 Census Data for Town Creek, AL

Population (Town Creek): 1,006

Total Males: 490
Total Females: 516
Total Households: 608
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Business Categories in Town Creek
Brief Information About Town Creek

Town Creek is a town located in the U.S. state of Alabama. It is part of the Decatur Metropolitan Area, as well as the Huntsville-Decatur Combined Statistical Area in Lawrence County. It is recognized as the 2nd largest town in Lawrence County next to Moulton. Town Creek has a total land area of 2.7 square miles at 34°40′17″N 87°24′30″W. The elevation is 561 feet above sea level. The town was incorporated in March 1875. In 2010, the total population of Town Creek was 1,100, a slight decreased from 1,216 in 2000. In 2015, the estimated per capita income was $17,989. Town Creek's very own Goode-Hall House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Town Creek has Zip code 35672.

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