Insurance - Consultants & Advisors Near Westbrook Texas

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  • Business Listing

    Steven Griffin Insurance Agency

    We are an insurance agency in Texas. We write personal lines insurance: Auto Insurance; Home Insurance, Renters Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance. We do our best to discover your insurance needs and...

    Serving the following city: Westbrook --- Phone: (713) 466-5223

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Category: Insurance - Consultants & Advisors

Insurance consultants & advisors in Westbrook are professionals with strong analytical knowledge who are able to predict the market conditions and suggest solutions accordingly. An insurance consultant is basically a specialist, whose function is to supervise general insurance coverage policies, HR management, advice on pension, mergers and acquisitions, risk management, finance projects and corporate recovery. As the basic academic qualification, an insurance consultant or advisor must have a graduation, a post graduation, a Master of Business Administration or a major in Finance degree. The person must be well-acquainted with the current financial situation. Risk management is considered as an additional qualification for this profession.