Find a Business Near: Benson, VT

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2020 Census Data for Benson, VT

Population (Benson): 280

Total Males: 149
Total Females: 131
Total Households: 141
Categories That Begin With The Following Letters:
Business Categories Beginning With Letter "P" in Benson
Brief Information About Benson

This is a town in Rutland County in the state of Vermont. The population is around 1,100. It has a rural background rural, with a mixed concentration of several homes and business establishments in and around Benson Village. It is situated at the intersection of Stage and Lake Road. The town has a total area of about 45.5 square miles with an annual income of the inhabitants revolving around the figure of $ 16,000. this small town has a public school, which offers classes at the pre-school grade from the eighth grade, onwards. As far as other students are concerned, they attend the nearby Fair Haven Union High School. A well-maintained museum is housed in the town's municipal building, on the former site of Benson Grade School. This municipal building also contains the town offices and Town Clerk. At the next door is the Community Hall, which is very much helpful for a public meeting place and it also contains the town library. The State of Vermont's Department of Fish and Wildlife also maintains Benson Landing, a boat launch on Lake Champlain. this is also a major tourist attraction in the region.

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