The YPGG Green Movement

The YPGG Green Movement

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YPGG Green Movement (EPA Green Power Partner)

Stopping the Delivery of Unnecessary Waste: Phone Books... helped municipalities and local governments around the country establish ordinances to mandate Yellow Pages and White Pages only be delivered to home and offices that ask for them. Municipalities and local government that provide trash services are extremely concerned about the landfill cost and why they have to absorb the cost of handling the telephone directories. Yellow Pages Goes Green supports this mission.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that 840,000 tons of telephone directories went into the municipal waste stream in 2008. Read the Sustainability Report Card for Telephone Directories (July 2014) by the The Product Stewardship Institute

Photo by Tim Welch in Orlando, FL

1) Local governments are looking to establish an Ordinance of $5 per book to the telephone companies for the delivery of unwanted books that end up in the trash and take up valuable landfills. (Seattle will now impose fines of up to $125 per directory)

2) An alternative Ordinance being looked at is to require the telephone book to be delivered in a plastic bag and the directory company has to come back the following week to pick up the old book that has been placed in the reusable bag.

3) Building and Property owners are banning the bulk delivery of Yellow and White Pages to their facilities. They are tired of having to handle the books and the cost associated with the ones left over and old books that end up in their trash dumps.

4) Some Cities and Towns are looking to stop the delivery of Yellow and White Pages books and are using their litter laws as the tools to enforce their efforts.

Photo by Carlos Martinez in New York City asks the question "Why do we get three to four pounds of paper dropped on out front door four to six times per year by various telephone directory companies and we are supposed to dispose of them?" Stop the nonsense and the cost placed on the consumer. If we want a book we will request one. If we do not want a book delivered, stop delivering them! had spent years contacting local telephone companies to provide them with consumers names and addresses telling them to stop the nonsense. This did not cost users anything. Please use the new opt out link to help eliminate this problem. has developed its own eco-friendly alternative to the Yellow Pages which is free for consumers to use to find local business listings. Our service is continually changed and kept current so you are not potentially looking at several months or even year old information.

Photo by Monkeyatlarge/James Kebinger in Somerville, MA

Photo from Byrdhouse/Kevin Byrd in Atlanta, GA

Photo by Kibonaut in Germany

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