Badey & Watson Surveying & Engineering PC in Cold Spring, New York

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Badey & Watson Surveying & Engineering PC

Main Headquarters:
3063 Route 9
Cold Spring, NY 10516

Phone Number:
(845) 265-9217

Badey & Watson Surveying & Engineering PC provides services in the field of Business Consultants. The business is located in Cold Spring, New York, United States. Their telephone number is (845) 265-9217.

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Listing ID: NY-281423

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Customer Ratings and Reviews

Badey & Watson Surveying & Engineering PC rating:2 out of 5 based on 1 user reviews.
User Rating
Extremely Expensize, Acceptable Quality Work
Date Submitted: 2011-07-27
I used Badey & Watson for surveying a piece of land that I was building a house on. I dealt with Steve Miller. He was an ok guy, there was nothing bad about dealing with him. The work the company did was fine. I guess they are a premium company because they sure charge a premium. It's hard to explain the costs vs work done in a short review, so I'll try to break it down to a small example. After spending many many $$$$ with these guys, I neared the end of my project. My survey is on the computer in their office. I need a few simple modifications/additions to get my building department's final approval. They sent an employee out to my house to measure a few things. The tech arrived promptly at 8:30 am. He was there until 10:05 am. He had to mark up the things that had changed since the previous survey last year. This was minimal - the location of the rear deck, an extension of a rock wall, a few other things, etc. Everything else was already on the survey - the exact house location, driveway, septic system, water well, etc. So they updated my survey on their computers and had it ready for me the next day. I got a bill for $500. That seems high to me for 1.5 hours field time, and probably the same computer time for an engineer. I would never recommend these guys, unless money is no object to you. You can probably find my blog about building my house if you search.
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Helpful Tip for: Business Consultants

 Business Consultants, in Cold Spring, offer expert advice and recommendations to business enterprises for enhanced proficiency and quality production with the objective of improving their  overall performance.

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