Yellow Pages Web Portal™

Connections and Syndication to 160+ Sites
Yellow Pages Web Portal™

The Yellow Pages Web Portal™ consists of more than 160+ global maps, apps, search engines, voice assistants, directories, and social networks. Below is a breakdown of the functionality and publishing behaviors from each publisher.

The web portal is included with the platinum package and platinum basic package.

Name  Countries Supported Real-Time Updates
Amazon Alexa  10+ No
Apple 10+ No
Google 10+ Yes
Bing 10+ No
Facebook** 10+ Yes
Foursquare 10+ Yes
MapQuest US, CA Yes
Snapchat 10+ No
TripAdvisor 10+ No
Waze 10+ No
Yahoo! US No
Yelp 10+ Yes
360 CN, HK, MO, TW Yes FR No GB, GG, IM, JE Yes
2FindLocal US Yes
8Coupons US Yes
ABLocal US Yes
Acxiom US, CA No
All Events in City 10+ Yes
Allebedrijvenin NL Yes
AllergyEats US Yes
AllMenus US No
AmericanTowns. US Yes
AranyOldalak HU Yes
AroundMe 10+ Yes
Autonavi CN, HK, MO No
Avantar** AU, US, CA Yes
Baidu 10+ No US Yes
BetterDoctor US No
Bizwiki** US Yes
Branchenbuch Deutschland DE Yes
Brownbook 10+ Yes
BundesTelefonbuch DE Yes
Busqueda Local ES Yes
Caredash US Yes
Central Index** GB, GG, IM, JE Yes US Yes
Chillwall 10+ Yes
Citysearch US Yes
CitySpark US, GB, CA No
CitySquares US Yes
CK Maps 10+ Yes
Credibility Review US Yes
Cured US Yes
Cylex 10+ Yes
D&B Database US No
Das Ortliche DE No
De Telefoongids** NL Yes US Yes
Dialo DE Yes
Dianping CN, HK, MO, TW No
DocSpot US No
DrScore US Yes
eLocal US Yes
Eniro SE Yes
Evensi 10+ Yes
Eventbrite 10+ Yes
Eventful 10+ Yes
Eventseeker 10+ Yes
EvieSays US Yes US Yes
EZLocal US Yes
Factual 10+ No
FindOpen 10+ Yes
Fliggy 10+ No
Gelbe Seiten DE No
GetFave US Yes
GoLocal** DE Yes
GoLocal24/7 US Yest
GoYellow DE Yes
GuleSider NO Yes
HERE Technologies 10+ No
Horairesdouberture24 FR No
Horariodeapertura24 ES No
Hotfrog 10+ Yes
iBegin CA, GB, GG, IM, NZ, US Yes
iGlobal 10+ Yes
imones.It LT Yes
Infobel 10+ Yes
Infogroup Small Business US, CA Yes
Insider Pages US Yes
iShowChina CN Yes
Instagram 10+ Yes
Justacotè FR Yes
KaufDA DE No
Koomio AT, CH, DE Yes
Krak** DK Yes
L’Annuaire de La Poste FR Yes
Local Database US Yes US Yes
Localeze US No
LocalPages US Yes
LocalStack US Yes
Locanto 10+ Yes
Marktplatz-Mittelstand DE Yes
Meinestadt DE Yes
Menupix US, CA Yes
Merchant Circle US Yes
My Local Services US Yes IE Yes
n49 US, CA Yes CZ Yes
NavInfo CN No
Navmii 10+ Yes DE Yes
Oeffnungszeitenbuch AT, CH, DE Yes
Opendi US Yes NL Yes
Oraridiapertura24 IT Yes CA Yes
Pages24 CH, FR, NL Yes
Páginas Amarillas ES Yes
PagineGialle IT No
Pitney Bowes 10+ No
Pointcom US Yes
Postmates No No US Yes
Profile Canada CA Yes
Property Capsule US Yes
Ricercare Imprese IT, SM Yes
ScootRealtime** GB, GG, IM Yes
ShowMeLocal AU, CA, GB, GG, IM, US Yes
Sogou V2 CN, HK, MO No
Soleo US, CA No
Superpages** US No
Telaustria AT Yes
Telenav US, CA No
Tencent CN, HK, MO No
The Internet Chamber of Commerce US Yes
TomTom 10+ No
Trudon ZA Yes
Tupalo 10+ Yes
Uber US No US Yes
VebidooBiz DE Yes
VisaLietuva.It LT Yes
Vitals US No
Voradius NL Yes US Yes US Yes
WeMap FR Yes
Where To? 10+ Yes
Yalwa 10+ Yes
Yandex 10+ No
YaSabe US Yes
Yell GB Yes
YellowMAP** DE Yes
YellowMoxie US Yes US No US Yes
YourLocal IE Yes
Zenrin 10+ No
Zillow US No** CZ, SK Yes
Zomato 10+ No


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