'Beverages', in Cornucopia, can be any liquid for drinking apart from water. Beverages can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Tea, coffee, milk, juice are few of the non-alcoholic beverages. An alcoholic beverage is a drink that comprises alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. It is also known as hard drink. Simultaneously lemonade, squash, iced-tea, soda, etc. are commonly known as soft drinks or beverages. Hot beverages are those which are preferred to be served hot, such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate and milk. Beverages are generally measured in ounce, nip or pony, dash, tablespoon, jigger, pint, etc. Although most of the beverages, including juice, soft drinks, and hard drinks, have some form of water in them, water itself is not considered as a beverage. Water has been proven many times as life nourishing drink for all human beings. Many times in Cornucopia, alcoholic beverages are consumed during major daily meals like lunch and dinner. During winter, strong alcoholic beverages such as vodka are popularly seen as a post or pre-meal beverage.