Carytown Dolls & Bears in Richmond, Virginia

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Carytown Dolls & Bears

Main Headquarters:
3457 West Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23221

Phone Number:
(804) 204-1545

Carytown Dolls & Bears provides services in the field of Collectibles. The business is located in Richmond, Virginia, United States. Their telephone number is (804) 204-1545.

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Customer Ratings and Reviews

Carytown Dolls & Bears rating:5 out of 5 based on 1 user reviews.
User Rating
An Enchanted Place
Date Submitted: 2014-10-01
I had never given much thought to buying a teddy bear. To me, they were all “teddy bears”; miniature, fuzzy, cuddly representations of a naturally wild, unpredictable, and often dangerous creature, anthropomorphized for our holding and collecting pleasure. I had never given a teddy bear much thought, until I walked into Carytown Dolls and Bears. Frankly, in my half-century had never been in a doll shop. A friend of mine had celebrated a birthday, and she has been an avid bear collector for many years, and Carytown Dolls and Bears seemed the best place to find something she would enjoy. Here, you have stepped into an enchanted world. Shelves and cases line the walls, replete with bears, dolls, and other animals of numerous models and makers. The spectrum runs from the whimsical, straw-like homespun traditionals, to the artful and stunning, whose uncanny verisimilitude instills both awe in the craft and a question of where real and imagined merge. The shop is attended by Diana and Ed Camden, who greet me and patiently listen to my uneducated questions about buying a bear. Quickly, I realize there is much more to the purchase than I ever considered. Ed is a bear bard who spins stories about the history of “teddies”, giving color and content to a bear purchase. Diana has an encyclopedic knowledge of dolls and other crafted items in the store. Their passion for their profession is refreshing and inspiring, and in little time I am given enough information to make my selection. I choose a Steiff for my friend. As they hand me my bear and I make my way out of the shop to the street, I realize that one does not go to Carytown Dolls and Bears to buy; they go there to adopt.
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Helpful Tip for: Collectibles

 Collectibles, in Richmond, are collection of  unique items from the past that are a rarity, and are  valuable due to limited supply. They may include stamps, coins, paintings, books, pieces of artwork, vintage cars, etc.  

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