Billingsley Motor CO Inc in Wichita, Kansas

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Billingsley Motor CO Inc

Main Headquarters:
1406 East Central Avenue
Wichita, KS 67214

Phone Number:
(316) 264-8427

Billingsley Motor CO Inc provides services in the field of Auto Auctions. The business is located in Wichita, Kansas, United States. Their telephone number is (316) 264-8427.

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Customer Ratings and Reviews

Billingsley Motor CO Inc rating:1 out of 5 based on 1 user reviews.
User Rating
Date Submitted: 2011-06-30
My husband and I had an extremely poor experience at Billingsley Motor Company. We went there to purchase a boat that was sitting on the lot for sale with all of the other vehicles. We dealt with Mike Smith who assured us that the boat was in perfect running condition, and explained a few repairs that it would need in the future. We made an offer, and after some negotiation we came to an agreement on a price. Mike told us that we would not have to pay sales tax since it was his personal boat and he would sell it to us privately. He also assured us that he had the title to both the boat and trailer and could get it to us after the weekend. We paid him and he hand wrote us a bill of sale without the price, and told us that we could put any price on it that we wanted so we would not have to pay the full amount of tax on the boat. We took the boat out that afternoon and had serious problems with it. We called Mike and told him about the problems, he said he could look at it after the weekend and give us our money back if necessary. On Monday we took the boat to him and he told us that he would have a mechanic look at it but would not give us our money back. He also did not have the title for us, so he then had both our money and our boat. He called us back a couple of hours later to tell us that his mechanic had looked at it and it was a simple fix. We told him we simply wanted out of the deal and would like our money back because there were unseen problems. He told us he another buyer lined up for it and would sell it for us, but would not give us our money back until it was sold. We took the boat, took it out again on the lake and had very serious problems, almost getting stranded in the middle of the lake. We called him back again and he again did not want to give us our money back. We told him we would get an attorney if necessary and he told us to show up at noon the next day. He then begrudgingly gave us our money back. Throughout this entire transaction we caught him in several lies and were treated as if we were “dumb kids.” I strongly recommend not dealing with Mike Smith or this company.
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Helpful Tip for: Auto Auctions

Wichita has auto auction companies. These companies moderate auctions for classics, early or late model cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, jet skis, recreational vehicles, and more. Nw cars may also be bought in some cases. An auction works by a system of bids, in which the highest bid wins, with the car going to that bidder. The bidder may be an individual, or finance companies, banks, dealers, fleets, rental car or insurance companies.

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