Find a Business Near: Bogart, GA

Below is a list of the types of businesses in the City of Bogart in which we have business listings. If you do not see your city within the list below. You can add a business for just $49.95 per year. To add a business submit your info here.

2020 Census Data for Bogart, GA

Population (Bogart): 1,606

Total Males: 856
Total Females: 750
Total Households: 703
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Business Categories in Bogart
Brief Information About Bogart

Bogart has a total area of about 2.5 sq. miles and is a part of Oconee and Clarke Counties. Bogart is home to the North Oconee high and the Malcolm Bridge middle school. This gives a substantial source of income for many locals. Tourism is also another part of economic activity along with small trade and business activities.

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