Find a Business Near: Boley, OK

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2020 Census Data for Boley, OK

Population (Boley): 1,139

Total Males: 997
Total Females: 142
Total Households: 147
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Brief Information About Boley

Boley is a small town of Okfuskee County in the U.S. State of Oklahoma. With a total area of about 4.4 sq. kms, Boley is situated at a height of 890 ft. from the ground level.

The local public school district operates a number of schools in the area. Boley is also famous for the making of barbeque equipments and a reputed manufacturer Smokaroma Inc. has its unit in the town. There are a number of festivals held in the city, and they attract a large number of tourists from the locality. Tourism has led to the rise of related hospitality industry. A growing number of hotels and restaurants crowd the town, and a majority of the locals are engaged with it.

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