Find a Business Near: Boone, NC

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2020 Census Data for Boone, NC

Population (Boone): 18,055

Total Males: 8,270
Total Females: 9,785
Total Households: 6,209
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Brief Information About Boone

Boone has a total area of about 16 sq. kms. and is located at an elevated height of 3350 ft. above the ground level. The media and the local education sector is quite advanced with a number of oppurtunities in both the education and the media industry. Some of the largest and the principal employers of Boone are the State University of Appalachian, Watauga Couty, Wal Mart, Home Centers of Lowes among others. The local tourism industry is also fairly advanced. Agriculture is also carried out in parts of the town.

Business Spotlights In North Carolina