Below is a list of the types of businesses in the City of Charleston in which we have business listings. If you do not see your city within the list below. You can add a business for just $49.95 per year. To add a business submit your info here.
Charleston is the second largest city of South Carolina state. It has a total area of about 405.6 sq. kms and is elevated at a height of about 20 ft. from the ground level. The community service of the city is quite well advanced with fire stations, post offices, hospitals and other services and social amenities readily available. Key employers in the private sector include the grocery chain store of Piggly Wiggly Carolina Company and the Information Technology company Blackbaud. The education sector is quite well developed and serves the student community in the city. The major educational institutes are the Medical University of South Carolina, the Law school of Charleston, among others. Aircaft manufacturer Boeing opened an aircraft manufacturing facility here to manufacture the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.
The transportation sector in the city is also a major development. It connects the city with the rest of the state, and further boosts the tourism sector. The media has also played a key role in the city's success.