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Conifer is a small town of Jefferson County of Colorado state. U.S. Route No. 285 passes through the area. Conifer is elevated at a height of about 8280 ft. above the ground level. It was primarily a cattle ranching area, and still many locals are involved in it as their primary source of income. Over the last few years, the retail industry has experienced explosive growth with the spreading of restaurants, entertainment zones and other recreation services. The local education sector is primarily handled by the County Schools of Jeferson. There are a number of schools in the area involved in imparting education to the local student community. A number of buildings are registered in the National Register of Historical Places and these include Clifton House, Midway House, Pleasant Park School and many others. They have helped in the growth of other industries in the region.
A. Bruckner is a notable person of the town.