Petco in Opelika, Alabama

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Main Headquarters:
2285 Tiger Town Pkwy
Opelika, Alabama, 36801

Phone Number:
(334) 705-7012

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Petco provides services in the field of Pet Shops. The business is located in Opelika, Alabama, United States. Their telephone number is (334) 705-7012.

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Listing ID: AL-322184

About Us

Visit your Opelika Pet Store located at 2285 Tiger Town Pkwy for all of your animal nutrition, pet supplies and grooming needs. Our mission at Petco is Healthier Pets. Happier People.

Hours of Operation:
Monday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Thursday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Friday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday :9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday :10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Pet Shops
  • Petco
Year Established
  • 2004

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Customer Ratings and Reviews

Petco rating:3 out of 5 based on 1 user reviews.
User Rating
Dog grooming
Date Submitted: 2011-06-13
Well I hate to be negative but I have tried this grooming salon twice. Maybe 6 months ago and lately, I was not pleased. First time I took my first dog there and he was damp when I got him back. The lady told me he was a little scared of the blow dryer. So I said ok. Now he is a year old and I also have another dog that is 6 months. Both are Huskies. Me and my husband saw that petco was having a deal on deshedding and my husband thought it was a good idea to take them. I was not so sure about it. See I have taken them to a particular dog salon many times that does an awesome job!! My dogs smell soooo good. Furr is baby soft. And one time I took my dog for just a bath his furr was so shiny and the lady told me she even trimmed the furr around his feet and I could tell it. it looked good and my dog was happy, he played with the workers and his coat was dry. I felt bad for not giving them at least a 10 dollar tip. But I desided to give petco another chance for their good deal they where offering.And I did. Got a call that they where almost ready. But there coat is still a little Damp! Got there and looked at my dogs and my puppy was pretty but my big dog still had alot of undercoat still left in him he still looked bad! Then the man pulled them out one by one and started using the deshedder??? Then handed them to use. I was not happy. when we walked out side furr was flying. they were still damp under their stomachs. And my big dog still had lots of his old coat left. I know this because my dog coat is black and the coat he is shedding is brown and ugly. I came there with a shedding dog and left with one. The man said that the coat was hard to get out. But sadly I know the other grooming salon will get it done properly.
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Helpful Tip for: Pet Shops

Pet-shops in Opelika are the stores that sell pet animals, groom them properly, and instruct the owners on how to take care of them. Some of these shops house only one kind of animal, while others sell different varieties of them.