Find a Business Near: Seaford, DE

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2020 Census Data for Seaford, DE

Population (Seaford): 7,852

Total Males: 3,705
Total Females: 4,147
Total Households: 3,310
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Brief Information About Seaford

With a total area about 3.5 sq. miles, Seaford is a part of Sussex County in the state of Delaware. The Nanticoke river flows down the town. The down town areas of the town were extensively renovated about a decade ago. There are a number of schools in the school district of Seaford. There is also quite a few private schools in the area. Seaford also has a well developed media industry and many people are also engaged with it. There are a plenty of tourism oppurtunities around the town like, Kiwanis Park, Christmas Parade of Seaford, Gateway Park, Nutter Park and others. This gives the local people plenty of oppurtunity to earn. Some of the famous people of Seaford include Lovett Purnell, Delino De Shields and L.F. Booth.

Business Spotlights In Delaware