Meekoo Dhar, MD in Staten Island, New York

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Meekoo Dhar, MD

Main Headquarters:
256c Mason Avenue
Staten Island, New York, 10305

Phone Number:
(718) 226-6400

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Meekoo Dhar, MD provides services in the field of Physicians & Surgeons. The business is located in Staten Island, New York, United States. Their telephone number is (718) 226-6400.

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Listing ID: NY-2076034

About Us

Meekoo Dhar, MD, is a Hematologist/Medical oncologist who practices at Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH) and SIUH Prince’s Bay. She specializes in managing breast cancer and gynecologic malignancies, such as ovarian, cervical and uterine cancers. She also treats blood related diseases and benign hematologic conditions such as anemia and clotting disorders.

“I’m very thorough in my evaluation of my patients and take my time with them,” she says. “I believe in taking care of the whole person and not just the disease.” Her treatment approach is grounded in the latest evidence-based medicine and clinical research. She is actively involved in studying the safety and efficacy of medical therapies for breast and ovarian cancers.

Dr. Dhar has been passionate about helping others since she was a child. “I can't think of a better way to express that passion than taking care of cancer patients,” she says. She attended medical school at the University of Kashmir and completed her internal medicine residency and a Hematology-Oncology fellowship at New York Presbyterian, Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.

At Northwell Health, Dr. Dhar works as a team with pathologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, surgical oncologists, breast surgeons, and gynecologic oncologists to create personalized treatment plans. Residents and fellows, nurse practitioners and medical assistants are also an important part of the care team. “We have a nice camaraderie,” she says. “We don’t hesitate to reach out to each other and make it a point to discuss each patient’s care.”

Dr. Dhar is an Assistant Professor at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell and Program Director of the Hematology and Medical Oncology fellowship program at Staten Island University Hospital. She feels it is her duty to educate the next generation of Hematologists and Oncologists. She is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society of Hematology, and the American Medical Association. She also provides pro bono cancer consultation services to physicians and their patients through the India Association of the Garden State and the Kashmiri Overseas Association.

Dr. Dhar finds the long-lasting relationships she develops with patients and their families a fulfilling part of her work. “It’s very rewarding to make a difference in other people’s lives.”

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Helpful Tip for: Physicians & Surgeons

Physicians & Surgeons are medical professionals in Staten Island, who treat patients with medication or by performing some operative procedures on them. Both physicians & surgeons are registered health care professionals & are generally associated with a number government & private health care centres or hospitals.

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