Ravi Veeraswamy, MD in Charleston, South Carolina

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Ravi Veeraswamy, MD

Main Headquarters:
25 Courtenay Drive
Charleston, South Carolina, 29425

Phone Number:
(843) 876-4855

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Ravi Veeraswamy, MD provides services in the field of Vascular Surgery. The business is located in Charleston, South Carolina, United States. Their telephone number is (843) 876-4855.

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Listing ID: SC-395228

About Us

Ravi Veeraswamy, M.D. is a vascular surgeon at MUSC Health in Charleston, SC whose clinical interests are primarily in treating aortic disease with advanced and minimally invasive techniques. He is an expert on using new technology such as fenestrated stents in the management of aortic aneurysms and other aortic conditions. Dr. Veeraswamy performs both traditional surgery and minimally invasive stent techniques. He also performs other procedures such as carotid artery surgery and lower extremity bypass surgery for patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (PAD).Dr. Veeraswamy has done extensive research and is widely published on aortic diseases. Since joining MUSC in 2016, Dr. Veeraswamy serves as the Chief of Vascular Surgery. Prior to joining MUSC, he was on faculty at Emory University for a decade. Dr Veeraswamy is a native of SC and graduated from Irmo High School in Columbia, SC. He graduated from the The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed residency and fellowship training at Washington University School of Medicine.

  • Vascular Surgery
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Helpful Tip for: Vascular Surgery

Vascular surgery, offered in Charleston is a specializatation whereby diseases of the vascular system are managed. This is usually done by medical therapy (non-surgical), minimally invasive procedures involving catheterization, and more involved surgical procedures. This is offered by various hospitals and clinics at Charleston. Once considered a part of general medicine, it is now a specialized branch of study.